Busy busy busy CATS

I’m swamped with all manner of awesome work today. Making podcasts, editing, critiquing, researching, reviewing, interviewing – all manner of hard core shenanigans have been part of my day. It makes me a happy Maria.

Other news of import: Cassandra finally hounded me about downloading the Scrivener for Windows Beta. I’m going through the tutorial right now. It seems like something which could be infinitely useful to me and which I’ll completely muck up in some monumental and majorly embarrassing way later on. I’ll try to take screen shots when this happens. Because, you know, suffering is about the sharing.

The big sell on Scrivener for me has been the ability to have research and notes right there. And while I sort of have a handle on the plot of Nevermore right now, its’ as yet untitled sequel/spin-off is a great deal more complicated, what with the multiple narrators, secret codes, inter-dimensional conspiracies, and descendants of historical figures.

In case you’re just tuning in to my life, I like making things needlessly difficult just for the hell of it. It’s this irritating little quirk I have. I think it might be contagious.

Since the idea of transferring my Nevermore files onto the Scrivener beta is slightly terrifying, I’m going to butcher some files I don’t give a flying fey about and make up some nonsensical flow-of-consciousness intellectual crap I can make fun of over a bottle of Manischewitz and an A-Team marathon. (Those of you who correctly guessed this as my Wednesday night ritual, you have my respect and eternal contempt.) This way, if I muck up in some monumental way, it won’t be with something I’ve devoted nearly two years to. Wish me luck!

Other things that make me a happy Maria are the number of cat photos people have been sending my way. Pianist Erica has been sending me the most – her parents just adopted their first cat – and they never fail to make me momentarily human and full of those soft, tender things you wusses call emotions. P.E.’s cat and her parents’ new cat are both adorable and fill me with profound joy. They would fill you with profound joy too, but I don’t have her permission to share them with you.


In the meantime, enjoy this slightly used lolcat, gifted to me courtesy of Jo. Civil Disobedience Cat

About drowsyreaper

An abundance of commas and ghost stories roughly shaped like a person.
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1 Response to Busy busy busy CATS

  1. Cassandra says:

    I have at least 4 scrivener projects that I messed around with using my physical notes that I transcribed in… the good thing is that even if you mess up you can just copy and paste them into a new Scrivener outline or template later. The joys of digital vs physical notes!

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